Saturday, October 12, 2024

Latest Quick Paintings


(16x20) 2024 "God's Eye"

(16x20)  2024  "Orange"

(11x16)   2024  "Yellow Wave"

(16x20)   2024  "Dancing Wind"

Monday, September 2, 2024

B&W and Color Views Of A Painting

 This is my last painting from July 2024.  There was one motif I did not like in my previous paintings and I finally overcame it. I also used a floral motif instead. The B&W image is prior to completion to check my values. The color image is the completed painting prior to varnish application. 

(16x20) Canvas, acrylic.

(16x20) Canvas, acrylic.

Last Month's (August) Quick Paintings


(11x14) Acrylic on paper.

(11x14) Acrylic on paper.

(16x20) Acrylic on canvas.

(16x20) Acrylic on canvas.

Quick paintings from July. I had an absorbing time creating these works. They were mostly intuitive pieces regarding my moving to and living in Canada and how I felt about that.

Females From The Imagination


(11x10) Canvas board, Posca marker, acrylics.

(11x10)  Paper, Posca markers. 

Females from the imagination. 

 A painting and drawing made from the imagination- one painted, one  drawing.  I was just playing with materials and subjects. It was absorbing and fun.  The painting will be signed and finished with varnish. The drawing is in my sketchbook. I enjoy creating works involving people.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

May/June's Quick Paintings

(11x14 acrylic, Posca markers, pencil on watercolor paper)

(12x12 pencil and acrylic)

(12x12 pencil and acrylic)

(11x14 pencil, crayon, acrylic)

Intuitive quick paintings done in response to soaking music. Sometimes I do these paintings in silence, but these four were done with music). All the colors were mixed using a palette of red, blue, yellow, black, and white).

Quick Paintings - June/July 2024


(12x12 canvas board with acrylic, pencil, Posca markers)

(6x8 sketchbook painting, acrylic, pencil, Posca markers)

(11x14 crayon & Posca markers on grey paper)

Sorry I haven't been posting here lately. I have been busy making intuitive paintings to soaking music. Soaking music is an intuitive, spontaneous, Holy Spirit-inspired form of music, singing, and prayers. My paintings are a response to the melodies and rhythms. Emotional, feeling, and organic; they are an intuitive dance of colors and marks on paper, canvas, sketchbooks, and board.  

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Quick Painting IV


                                                              (12 x 12 inches, acrylic)

Latest quick painting in progress. Medium Cadmium red underpainting in acrylic over white-gessoed canvas board. It is filled in with charcoal line drawing. Most of this was painted in a quiet studio. (I usually paint with music). 

Thursday, May 30, 2024

My Studio Today


My Workspace in the Day


My living room studio over 40 years ago in Colorado.  A friend is visiting and sitting in my rocking chair, thinking deep thoughts. I often hosted dinners with my artist friends and made things like steamed broccoli and quiche. Yum! We often talked all night long about our projects, art, and gave critiques of each other's work. Such a great community we were!

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Sketches in the Book...


(6x9 inch sketchbook)

Drawing in the old sketchbook to keep the creative fires burning.

Quick Paintings


(12x12 inches, acrylics)

Quick paintings are like quick sketch. Takes about an hour. Fun.

Worship & Paint


(11x14 inches acrylic painting)

On May 16th, I participated in a Worship & Paint event at Zion Apostolic Church. There were about 20 men and women there, ready to listen to worship music and allow it to speak to their hearts as they painted. We were given 11x14 inch stretched canvases, basic acrylic colors (red, blue, yellow, black, and white). We also took our choice of brushes and glitter.

I have never done this sort of  event. The closest I have come was to play worship or soaking music at home, while I work on my collages or dolls.  Sometimes I like to work in silence. This time I wanted to express my response to the music. But I couldn't hear it! (I have nerve deafness). At home I use a Bluetooth system that is directly connected to my hearing aids. It is like having a beautiful concert set up right in my ears!

Because I couldn't hear the music at the event, my mind started "replaying" the last CD I listened to at home. It was lovely. I felt the music deeply and out came this abstraction. All the colors were mixed from the red, blue, yellow, black, and white paints I received. I didn't use any glitter, although I was tempted. 

What a wonderful evening it was. I met other creatives and saw their work. There were all types of expressions- calligraphy, realism, landscapes, Scripture, and still life from nature. Everyone was painting from their own  imaginations. Afterwards,  people left their pieces to be displayed at the church. I opted to take mine home as I was not finished with it. The picture above, however, is my completed and varnished piece.

Thank you for looking!

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Paper Painting

 It has been a while since I have posted. I have been busy with mundane and cozy things regarding health and home- appointments, errands, cooking, and spending time with hubby. I have been in the studio, mostly to draw, sketch, clean, and paint papers for future collage. My goal is to make 100 papers to stockpile in a basket for my collage work.

The first set I painted over old journal pages. The paint was transparent and didn't have very nice color, or good coverage. They were metallic and I believe were meant to be painted over more opaque pigment as a glaze. Oh, well. I learned something new. My second set was black & white on cream paper. They were simpler and interesting. I expect I will loosen up as the project progresses.

It was all so calming and fun!

Thursday, March 21, 2024

One-Minute Sketches


(8-3/4 X 11-3/4 contour line drawing)

Spending more time warming up and loosening my drawing. Used a 4B pencil. Drew from little photos with a one-minute timer. I am really enjoying myself doing this. These are my first set of contour line drawing. Some I like and some not so much. But the point is to practice, practice, practice.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Sketchbook 3.9.24


Black ultra fine marker, black ball point pen. (6.5x13 inches)

Flowing women added on to an existing drawing. Done to soaking music. It was done quickly and was fun and relaxing. Mining and playing and exploring for the future.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Sketchbook 3.8.24


Collage (6x6")

Ultra fine color and black markers, magazine images, and Canada's Uppercase magazine printed papers.

Drawing (6x6")

Dolls and a flowing woman. Ultra fine black marker.

Sketching, doodles, scribbles, and drawings to help me keep the creative fires burning.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Last Blossom Of The Season


Yesterday's sketches and scribbles were inspired by my amaryllis. This amaryllis blossom in the glass of water was the last living bloom off of the dying plant. I cut it off the leaning stalk and saved it and threw rest away as it was fairly well disintegrated. Oh, how I love the amaryllis blossom. Wonderful! Lovely! And often... colorful. This one is almost pure white except for some very exquisite pale, rosy streaks. 

I had thought this one would turn out red and white but somehow, I think maybe it was too cold on the plant table at night, and the color decided not to come out and play at all. 


Monday, March 4, 2024

Keeping The Creative Fires Burning (2024)

Today...a few quick sketches of a dying amaryllis lily. They are small, about 4 x 5.5 inches.

I wish I could draw larger, it would be much more expressive. Less stiff. I want to draw, sketch, scribble, and doodle every day in my sketchbook. I either draw in my sketchbook, or paste in things I draw on random pieces of paper. It all counts as practice and play.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Winter 2024 - Vision Board


(12x12 inches) Canvas board, acrylics, ultra fine marker.

This vision board features thought balloons which contains quotes by artists and other people that are an inspiration.  

Latest Quick Paintings

  (16x20) 2024 "God's Eye" (16x20)  2024  "Orange" (11x16)   2024  "Yellow Wave" (16x20)   2024  "Dan...